Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tea and Crochet

It's been a crazy couple of days. Way too much mental energy required! I had my first grad school midterm on Monday, which I did pretty well on I think. It was on the statistics component of my Assessment for ESL course, and the combination of my understanding of the material and my savvy test taking skills served me well. Other than that, I've been busy with answering hundreds of questions (literally) from undergrad students about the assignment coming up in the assessment course I TA for. It is a satisfying feeling to always have the answer, though! I had to laugh on their midterm, a majority thought the word "deleterious" meant "to delete." Something like Use of nose sprays may have a deleterious affect on... the sinus. Students were supposed to write why it was a bad test item, and many wrote "Well, obviously you can't delete your sinus, so it's a clue for the students." Ha. Actually some of the graders didn't know what deleterious meant, so I probably shouldn't have found it quite so funny. A sales pitch: at the end of a long day, on my cold walk home in the dark, I always take comfort in the anticipation of my cup of tea. I've never been a real tea lover, but I have found the perfect tea. If you are in need of a comforting, relaxing, warming tea, go buy this (it only costs $1.90 for the box, so it's low risk). It tastes a lot like the heavenly tea they serve at Aveda salons, and I never realized that it is licorice root! It doesn't taste a thing like black licorice flavour, don't worry. It has an unusual aftertaste that feels like warmness in your throat for a few seconds. Yum. That's all for now.

1 comment:

Jill said...

OK, I want to know how many readers had to look up deleterious. Basically, I want to be reassured that I'm not the only ignorant one ... fess up!