Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Louise's Visit

In the middle of last week, Louise sent an email saying that her boss had given her Friday and Saturday off. She took the greyhound bus up from Banff and we had a great two days bashing around Edmonton. I made a decision to forget about schoolwork for two days (thankfully I have this week before Thanksgiving to catch up) and we both just relaxed. Well, not relaxing in the normal sense. We packed as much fun, shopping, talking and action into 40 hours as is possible! I picked her up at the bus station around 6am on Friday and I took her to my focus group to take notes (she had the hard job!)
The focus group went really well: it was basically just talking with international students about the issues they face listening and speaking in the classroom.
Then we took off to West Edmonton Mall for a shopping fiesta. The main purpose was buying a ton of snowboarding gear for Louise's winter adventures (cheaper here in flat Edmonton than in the tourist-y ski resort town of Banff).
I had to try it on! I don't think I have a future in snowboarding, eh?
Friday night we had bangers and mash at an Irish pub (yum) and Saturday morning we went into downtown Edmonton. We started at Chinatown, but were shocked by the lack of anything in Chinatown. Seriously! A big archway and one restaurant were about it.

We walked along the river and took some fall pictures then had a great Vietnamese lunch (as good as food can get!) In the afternoon we did some more shopping then back to my apartment for Chicago-style deep dish pizza. We decided to see a movie that night, Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist, which we really enjoyed. Then I dropped Louise off at the bus station, and we both went back to reality. Hopefully I can go visit her soon and try out her snowboard? Or maybe just take my ice skates and find a lake somewhere.

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