Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Chill Has Set In

I'm freezing in Edmonton. On my walk to school this morning I thought my hands were going to fall off. Yes, I was stupid for not wearing mittens, but how was I to know? The problem with living in an apartment building is that, by the time you realize you've misjudged the weather, you're out of time to go back and change. (At this point someone will comment that I could step out on the balcony. True.) I have been frantically knitting a fabulous toque with earflaps (just wait till you see the picture- my own design!) and I have a fair isle toque, scarf, mitten combo in mind next. I went a bit overboard on my last trip to Michaels, but all the yarn was so gorgeous! I love cable knitting and fair isle- I'm always amazed that following those silly little directions results in something so beautiful.

Anyway, yesterday was Thanksgiving!! I had gone to the store and picked up my very own Thanksgiving feast. It might have been a bit overboard, but this is only my second Thanksgiving in Canada since 1999! I'm not much for cooking (I hate things that take time to prepare) so I bought the cheaters supply of Thanksgiving goodies:
Delicious! I didn't actually get to eat my food on Thanksgiving day, though. My friend Amy from the TESL program called to invite me to her family's house for dinner! Thoughtful, eh? It was an amazing meal and no one in their family likes brown meat so I got to bring the leftovers home (or they were going to feed it to the pets). They had three cats and two dogs. Two of the cats were lovely. The kitten could fetch! If you sat on the bed and threw a hair elastic onto the wooden floor, she would pounce down, run over, pick it up in her teeth and bring it right back to you on the bed! Without fail! I was amazed. One of their cats was so sick though. He has seizures which have caused blindness and sometimes he just lies around so lethargically. He didn't really move, couldn't keep his balance and kept tucking his paws under him in awkward ways (the vet said he can't feel pain). The poor boo. As for the dogs, one was okay, the other was a demon dog. Seriously. Would not stop barking when they put him in a bedroom. The let him out and he ran around barking (or staring at me menacingly). He was short, squat and looked like some kind of science fiction creature (pug face, severe underbite, bulgy black eyes, oversized pointy ears). I survived the ordeal thankfully. By the way, I took my camera but I didn't get to take any pictures. I'll try to get a picture of the demon dog and a video of the fetching cat for you eventually!

1 comment:

Carole said...


Would it kill you to learn that it still gets up to 30C and sunny everyday here? Hehe.

But eventually it will get chilly. Will you make me some sort of Fair Isle work-of-art? I'm thinking a scarf, and mittens or gloves if you have time.

Your picture of Thanksgiving dinner made me laugh outloud. I think that looks ideal. And then the demon dog and fetching kitten pushed me over the edge. Sounds like a great Thanksgiving!
