Saturday, September 27, 2008


I'm supposed to be doing some statistics homework, but I felt it was my civic duty to procrastinate by researching the upcoming election. I think I'll need to vote by mail for the Halifax district, and it looks like it will be a much more exciting race than Edmonton. Did you know that 28 of 28 districts in Alberta are currently Conservative? It's strange and a bit worrisome if you ask me. I haven't decided who I want to vote for, but the idea that an entire province of people hold exactly the same political beliefs is like something out of a sci-fi movie. Anyway, a quick overview of the websites of the candidates for Halifax was confusing. Does it seem to anyone else like they are all saying the same thing? Can anyone recommend a website, newspaper or magazine to help me sort through the wish-washy political jargon?

1 comment:

Maureen said...

I think it's telling that no one's commented on your post here... I mean, there's got to be *something* straightforward to help us out through the election.

But I got nothin' for you...