Saturday, September 6, 2008

The New Place

At the family's request, here are some pictures of my new apartment. My two new roommates were gracious enough to let me move in yesterday even though my rental application hasn't been approved yet. The apartment is right on campus (although not campus housing) and about a five minute walk to my classes. It has some great amenities like a nice pool, workout room and even a movie theatre. Here's a picture of the living room. Those folding screens separate my "bedroom" (aka the dining room).
Here's the view! It's on the 9th floor facing south.
This is my bedroom. Notice Grammie's quilt! And, Carole, I did not choose turquoise for the sheets, it was all that was left in jersey knit at IKEA.
The other side of the room, leading into the kitchen. It feels quite spacious, bigger than my room in Thornhill, even. My roommates are very quiet and spend a lot of time in their rooms or out so I don't have to worry about noise from the living room.
And this is the kitchen.
That's it for now. Hopefully you have a better picture now when you think of me in Edmonton!

1 comment:

Carole said...

That's exciting to see. It makes my place look like a mansion! However, I definitely see the benefits of being on campus, with a great view and super quiet roommates. I think you'll have a great year!