Saturday, August 30, 2008


Mom just sent me an email saying that the cute black jacket I was sporting in the last picture was, in fact, a jacket Carole intended to take to Turkey! When Carole's luggage was overweight, she had to take some winter clothes out, and Mom had them laid out on her dressers. However the jacket was just hanging in my closet, so I really had no idea Carole wanted it. Whoops. I think I'll get a lot more use out of it here, though! And it makes up for that time she stole my favourite summer skirts to take to India and then lost her luggage. This morning I got a call back saying I could have the room in the apartment I liked. I went over to get the papers and was slightly disheartened by the extensive application forms (Mom and Dad, expect an email from me tomorrow!) Two other downsides were that the laundry machines were coin operated and that I wouldn't be able to move in until my application was approved (they even need to run credit checks on me and my guarantor). So, seeing as I can't turn in the forms until Tuesday, I decided to go see two more apartments tomorrow. At least then I will know for sure that I have the best deal. As for the mall, it is quite impressive. It's not much to look at on the outside, but the inside is extensive and beautiful. I have never, ever been in such a crowded mall, though (with the possible exception of the Eaton's Centre on the last big shopping day before Christmas). I thoroughly enjoyed myself, lost all track of time, and only bought the things on my "necessities list." Did you know that the sales tax in Alberta is only 5%? Isn't that crazy? Plus, I found a movie theatre showing Indiana Jones and the tickets only cost $3.50- all day, every day! Here is the only picture I took of the mall (that's a sea lion show in the middle).

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