Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Canadian Finals Rodeo

Yes, I went to see the rodeo. I couldn't help myself. I got a vastly discounted ticket (under $10) and I figured this might be my one and only chance. I also got to see all the cowboy hats and boots that I had been (naively) expecting before my arrival in Edmonton. It was certainly an entertaining night. In case you currently find yourself in a foreign country, a metropolitan city or anywhere outside midwest North America, here is a movie to give you the whole experience. Six different events were included, bull riding is the last one on the video. If you are watching this on a public computer, you may want to turn down the sound a bit first!

See, don't you wish you lived in Alberta?

1 comment:

Carole said...

Watching that video reminded me of that Monster Truck Rally we went to at the Skydome with TNTs. It was bizarre and completely strange and I was a little ashamed to admit how entertaining it was!

Still, I do not wish I lived in Alberta. Isn't it below freezing there? I suppose you do have Ikea and Starbucks, but the cold weather and cowboys negate those positives.