Sunday, November 16, 2008

Banff Part 2

Well, I assume most of my readers (aka my family) have seen these photos on facebook. But just to add some colour to my blog, here they are again. Banff was great. It's a very busy time with school, but I came to the conclusion that in five years I will not care if I get an A or a B in this class (seeing as I've decided I definitely will not be doing a PHd in my lifetime) but I would always remember a fabulous weekend in the Rockies with friends. And I'm so glad I went. I was so relaxed and everything was so fresh. The greyhound there and back was uneventful and the tickets were cheap with my student card. I stayed with Louise and her friend Anne-Marie (also Australian, they've been friends since childhood) in an adorable cottage right in "downtown" Banff. It was so nice to return to a warm cabin, drink coffee on the couch and laugh over an old movie or reality show. We did a lot of walking and window shopping in town and had some delicious meals. Thankfully, Anne-Marie, Louise and I are all alike in our love for good food and eating out! The other highlights of the weekend included ice skating (next time I go I want to go ice skating outdoors) and visiting the Banff hotsprings at night. The weather was a few degrees below zero, but the water was 38.7 Celcius. Perfect. Plus, I got to rent the cutest "historic" swimsuit to wear (something like the one on the sign).And, of course, I couldn't go to the Rockies without climbing a mountain. Well, actually, I would have been very content to visit the Rockies without climing a mountain! But Louise told us it only took about 20 minutes to climb up and 20 minutes back down so I agreed (plus we decided we could go to the Old Spaghetti Factory for lunch afterwards since we would have burned off all the calories in advance!) Turns out that Tunnel mountain was not quite as quick as she remembered (the guidebooks online suggest 2-3 hours!) We stopped for lots of water breaks and photo breaks, and I have to admit it wasn't too painful. Plus, we made it to the top and the view was beautiful. Here's the proof:

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