Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Leaving (again)

My life seems to be a chain of packing, traveling, adapting, enjoying life and then packing again! I'm not complaining, though, because I have a lot of control of how long I stay and when I go. And I am certain that Edmonton is the best next step for me (although I may change my mind when I actually experience an Edmonton winter!) I fly out tomorrow, stay at a youth hostel, and start orientation on Friday. I have the weekend off to try to find an apartment and then classes start on Tuesday. I'll have wireless there so hopefully I can do a bit more posting than I have been this summer. Speaking of this summer, I'm still recuperating from camp. The stressful memories are already fading, and it was really an amazing job with incredible students. I spent a week at my grandmothers, which is the most relaxing place for me. I spent most of my time painting one of the bedrooms and repairing an old quilt (made over 100 years ago by my great-great grandmother!)
That's all for now... off to a new adventure!

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