Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Finally in Tarsus

It feels so great to be in Turkey again.  If nothing else, I'm tickled pink to be in 20 degree weather while it's -25 degrees in Edmonton.  We left Latvia yesterday morning after a quick morning walking tour of the Art Nouveau architecture.  We had a few hours in Istanbul to visit the spice market and pick up left luggage at the hotel before a night flight back to the south of Turkey.  Then it was a short shuttle bus to Tarsus!  Carole's apartment is incredible, and I met three of her friends tonight for a game night.  We've also picked up her cat, Charlie, (who I already love) and started to decorate the living room for Christmas.  Pictures to come.  And I also need to put up pictures and stories from St. Lucia Day in Sweden... it was perfect.  Tomorrow I'm going to class with Carole, mostly so I can appreciate what a tough job she has (I'm not arguing, though!)

Friday, December 12, 2008

Quick Update

Scandinavia is fabulous. Carole and I are having a blast. Carole's camera memory card died, I loaned mine to her, and therefore, all of these pictures were taken by her. Her camera is better, I have to agree. Anyway, we're a bit low on snow, but we have enough Christmas spirit to make up for it. Tonight we're staying in the best hostel! It's a prison that was closed in the 1970's and converted into a hostel and hotel. We have a cute cell with bunk beds and the nicest ensuite. The prison is on an island in the middle of Stockholm, so it involves a bit of walking but it's worth it! Tonight we went to see the Swedish version of the Nutcracker. All the same music but with a storyline that follows a Swedish children's tale. It was wonderful. Tomorrow we head to the outdoor museum where we see traditional Swedish life and culture. It's St. Lucia Day too! Here are some more pictures from Denmark...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


We made it! Istanbul is fabulous, but we're taking of for Denmark this afternoon. More pictures to come.

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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Oh No

My weather pixie says it's -17C. Oh dear. Do you think I'll make it walking all the way to school?

More Christmas Spirit

Last weekend I went to a Christmas festival with a couple of friends from my program. It was very Christmas-y, but was full of young families. That's good in a way, it's fun to watch kids enjoy Christmas, but I get really frustrated by slow moving clumps with thousands of strollers in an enclosed space. The trees were gorgeous though, all decorated by businesses or individuals (the whole festival is a fundraiser for a hospital).
My favourite one had a cookies & sweets theme!
And there were some pretty impressive gingerbread houses...
And for a dollar, you can decorate your own gingerbread man! Amy is demonstrating.